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Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication Training – Week 5

Week 5: "Safer Alternatives in Solvent Applications for Metal Processing." Katy Wolf will cover solvents including vapor degreasing, paint stripping, aerosol cleaning lubricants, and metalworking fluids are used by thousands of companies for cleaning metal processing. This training will explore potential alternatives to harmful solvents and tradeoffs for each of the methods. Also covered is […]

Metal Manufacturing & Fabrication Training – Week 6

Week 6 covers Using Lean Manufacturing to uncover opportunities.This course explains how to use over a dozen lean principles for optimal performance in metal manufacturing. It will look at it from the unique perspective of using lean to reduce material use and waste. These techniques reduce waste such as time, labor and rework, by using […]

Metal Manufacturing & Fabrication Training – Week 7

Week 7 - Thomas Vinson, Zero Waste Enterprises will explore Lean Practices and Success Stories. This talk will dive deeply into the processes businesses use to identify lean projects, prioritize their activities and build support within the company.

Auto Repair and Auto Body Pollution Prevention Workshop and Tradeshow

  Western Nevada College and greenUP! invite Auto Shops from all over Nevada to attend. College students and professionals in the automotive industry are also invited. Topics covered during this FREE workshop will be environmental best management practices (BMPs), alternatives to harmful cleaners and solvents, electric vehicles, and how to become green certified in the […]

Nevada Green Business Training Program (October)

Reno+Sparks Chamber of Commerce Green Business Training 4065 S. Virginia Street, #101, Reno, NV, United States

  October Training Program Flyer The Reno+Sparks Chamber of Commerce is partnering with the Nevada Green Business Network to help local businesses become green certified.  Free and exclusive to Chamber members, the Nevada Green Business Training Program will be held on October 26, 2021 from 8:00 am to 11:45 am at the Chamber of Commerce. […]


Carson City Chamber Green Business Certification Training

Carson City Chamber of Commerce 1900 S Carson St,, Carson City, United States

The Carson City Chamber of Commerce is partnering with the Nevada Green Business Network (www.nvgreenbusiness.org) to support Chamber members in getting certified as a green business. Learn how green certification can help to expand your customer base by attracting environmentally conscious consumers. 8:00 am – Registration and Coffee 8:30 am – Gain a Competitive Advantage […]

Food Waste Prevention and Composting Workshop

Moana Nursery, 1190 West Moana Lane, Reno NV 89509 1190 West Moana Lane, Reno, NV, United States

 Join KTMB, Down To Earth Composting and Full Circle Soils & Compost and others on Saturday, April 2nd for a Food Waste Prevention and Composting workshop in Reno. Visit ktmb.org for more information and to sign up.

Safer Alternatives for Toxic Solvents – Graffiti Management

A series of four (4) trainings will be given by Katy Wolf, Ph.D. and hosted by greenUP! This session will describe the graffiti removers on the market today. Millions of dollars are spent each year on graffiti control by cities and counties and safer alternatives are available. It will include a discussion of three alternative […]

Reno+Sparks Chamber Green Business Training

The Reno+Sparks Chamber of Commerce is partnering with the Nevada Green Business Network (www.nvgreenbusiness.org) to support Chamber members in getting certified as a green business. Becoming a green business is a great way to increase profitability. Reducing utility costs through energy and water savings can free up resources that can be invested in strategic priorities. […]

Safer Alternatives for Toxic Solvents – Auto Repair Facilities

A series of four (4) trainings will be given by Katy Wolf, Ph.D. and hosted by greenUP! This session will target the mineral spirits used in parts cleaners and the halogenated and nonhalogenated solvents used in auto aerosol cleaners today. Many of these formulations have high VOC content and many pose toxicity problems. It will […]

Safer Cleaning and Thinning Alternatives for Industrial Facilities

This session will provide detailed information on the water-based cleaner alternatives that can be used in parts cleaning in industrial machine shops. It will also discuss coating equipment cleanup solvents that are safer and can substitute for the toxic and high VOC content cleaners used today. It will also identify safer alternative formulations that can […]

Safer Alternatives for Solvent Applications in Graffiti Management, Auto Repair and Industrial

This session will include formulators/suppliers of commercial products and processes that are available and constitute safer alternatives to the toxic and high VOC content formulations used today. Areas of focus will include alternative formulations and processes for parts cleaners, aerosol cleaners, handwipe cleaners, coating equipment cleaners and graffiti removers.