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Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication Training – Week 2

Week 2: Success Stories - "Real World Examples from the Metal Manufacturing Industry " Building on Week 1, this course will give in depth examples from businesses with an emphasis on the metal manufacturing sector. We will show how one company went beyond recycling to save over $500,000 while improving their productivity, supply chain reliability […]

Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication Training – Week 3

Week 3: Best Management Practices for Metal Finishing presented by Miguel Rodas and Jennifer Kong. This training offers a rare look inside the practices businesses use to improve efficiency for metal finishing processing. The benefits and challenges of over 50 techniques to reduce waste, improve water use efficiency, and lower costs will be explored. The […]

Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication Training – Week 4

Week 4 offers Best Management Practices for Cutting Fluids and other issues. This training will showcase some of the work the Washington Department of Ecology (Rolfe Parsloe) has done to help businesses voluntarily lower their regulatory burden while improving efficiency, lowering waste and increasing their competitiveness. The focus will be on cutting fluids.

Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication Training – Week 5

Week 5: "Safer Alternatives in Solvent Applications for Metal Processing." Katy Wolf will cover solvents including vapor degreasing, paint stripping, aerosol cleaning lubricants, and metalworking fluids are used by thousands of companies for cleaning metal processing. This training will explore potential alternatives to harmful solvents and tradeoffs for each of the methods. Also covered is […]