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Auto Repair and Auto Body Pollution Prevention Workshop and Tradeshow

  Western Nevada College and greenUP! invite Auto Shops from all over Nevada to attend. College students and professionals in the automotive industry are also invited. Topics covered during this FREE workshop will be environmental best management practices (BMPs), alternatives to harmful cleaners and solvents, electric vehicles, and how to become green certified in the […]

Sustainable Brewery Summit

Great Basin Brewing Company (Taps and Tanks) 1155 S Rock Blvd #490, Reno, NV, United States

Learn about sustainable brewing practices and how to become Green Certified in the state of Nevada. Hear from fellow craft brewers about successful pollution prevention and sustainability projects. Networking opportunity for craft brewers and others in the brewing or distillery business.


Southern Nevada Sustainable Brewery Summit

Learn about sustainable brewing practices and how to become Green Certified in the state of Nevada. Hear from fellow craft brewers about successful pollution prevention and sustainability projects. Network with fellow craft brewers.
